This Wiki is devoted to the cam.* hierarchy of news groups and replaces the old FAQ for those groups.
The cam.* newsgroups are for people living in or interested in the city of Cambridge, England (the one in Cambridgeshire, not Gloucestershire). They are not the universities' groups nor are they anything to with Cambridge, Mass or cameras; web, digital or otherwise (despite what the odd spammer would like to think).
Having said that there are several Web cams in Cambridge.
This Wiki attempts to answer some of the questions which come up periodically on the cam.* newsgroups. If you can't find the answer here then ask on cam.misc and, when you've got the answer, why not post it here?
A pointer to the URL of this Wiki is posted fortnightly in all the cam.* groups.
Where is cam.* hosted?
Why isn't cam.* part of the uk.* hierarchy?
Which cam.* group should I use?
Why is there a separate cam.transport newsgroup?
Can I post adverts in cam.*?
Where else can I post adverts to do with Cambridge?
Why don't we just create cam.adverts (or or whatever)?
Is there any other netiquette specifically relating to cam.*?
Who reads the cam.* groups?
...and who are the regular culprits?
Why do people include SNB or "DoeS aNyBody" in postings?
What is the John Franklin/Milton Keynes study?
My ISP's news server is crap. How can I read cam.*?
I'm seeing a lot of junk postings in cam.*. Can't something be done?
City council/County council/South Cambs, how does it all fit together?
How can I report a street lighting fault?
How can I report other street maintenance problems?
Which councillors read cam.*?
How do I get in touch with my MP?
How do I get in touch with my MEP?
What's this green bin scheme then?
What's this green/black box scheme then?
Can I recycle surplus furniture?
Can I recycle batteries?
Can I recycle plastics?
Can I recycle unwanted cars?
I've got a car load of stuff to give to a charity shop, where do I go?
Where can I recycle everything else?
How can I meet interesting people in Cambridge?
How and where can I punt?
What is the Reality Checkpoint?
When is Bonfire Night on Midsummer Common?
Where can we take the kids?
Where can I find open air art in Cambridge?
I've got a problem with my VirginMedia Internet connection?
Are there any webcams in Cambridge?
How can I get a job in Cambridge?
I saw this animal that looked like a dog/small deer. What was it?
Who/what is leaving little piles of powder on the pavement?
What is High Maintenance Life?
I've just been cut up by a bus/taxi - to whom do I complain?
VirginMedia broadband is crap - how do you manage?
Where can I find (free / paid for) wireless (wifi) Internet access?
Is there a Web page about ...?